
by ESPEcast



ESPEcast was founded in 2021 by the ESPE Institute, starting its work on scientific dissemination and transmission through its psychoanalysis and philosophy podcast, presented by psychoanalyst and researcher Daniel Omar Perez on Youtube and Spotify.Psychoanalysis was created by Sigmund Freud at the end of the 19th century. Since then, it has been the subject of controversy inside and outside the medical, psychological, biological and human sciences. The psychic conflicts discussed by psychoanalysis keep being placed on the examination table. More than 100 years after its creation, psychoanalytic practice and theory still offer a lot to talk about.In the year 2022, ESPEcast began the development of a platform dedicated to the transmission of psychoanalysis and philosophy, in partnership with several researchers, academics, philosophers and psychoanalysts from the most diverse schools of psychoanalysis in the world, in order to contribute to the debate, controversy and questioning of the phenomena that constitute the conditions, results and history of psychoanalysis, from its emergence to its forms of clinical practice, as well as the philosophies and other sciences that contribute to its thinking.Our desire is to contribute to the transmission of psychoanalysis and to provide a scientific, quality and accessible education for all. There are more than 150 hours of content, scientific journeys, episodes and podcasts covering the field of psychoanalysis and philosophy available on the platform, presented by different authors with theoretical variations and divergences, in order to promote the plurality of ideas and concepts, allowing the access to broad and diverse knowledge.